Your Path to Tax-Free Retirement Starts Here
Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
One of the major considerations during retirement is that most income will be taxable and we don’t know what taxes will be at that time. In this webinar, Skip Dawson, President and CEO of College Financial Planning, will teach how to save for retirement with tax-deferred growth and receive retirement distributions tax-free as well.
This 30-minute webinar focuses on
Making the Most of Your Retirement Dollars.
If you want to learn more, then you won't want to miss our
A Free Book Offer for Attending Our Free Webinar
We have a special gift we’d like to send you. It’s a powerful book entitled Tax-Free Retirement. This book has helped many of our clients understand the power and possibility of building a future retirement they can access tax free. You don’t want to miss this important message, especially in this era of endless government spending and the risk of higher taxation.
If you’re interested in receiving this great book, simply register for our free webinar and after you attend, we will send you a free book by Patrick Kelly.
And as a special little treat, here is a short, 2-minute video
from the author himself.
Retirement Risks
The risk factors below can come between you and your ability to retire how and when you would like. Understanding these risks and understanding that they can be managed is very important to your retirement
Four biggest risks during retirement

With improvements to medicine and health care, retirees may live 20-30 years into their retirement and sometimes even longer.

Stock Market Volatility
You may be heavily invested in stocks as they approach retirement which could result in large losses to your investments.

Income Taxes
The majority of taxes, a staggering 84%, solely comes from the Top 25% of income wage earners in America.

Every year the cost of goods and services we need are becoming more expensive.